When you are in your mother's stomach, you don't know how great and beautiful life is, therefore, if life is this great... how great is Heaven?"
06/08/2019 dragan's dad
With candles in honor of memories our loved ones we celebrate their lives...
06/01/2019 dragan's dad
Life is not a song, sweetling. Someday you may learn that, to your sorrow.~ George R. Martin~
05/25/2019 dragan's dad
There is a voice that doesn’t use words, listen. ~Rumi~
05/18/2019 dragan's dad
Never forget, human lifes are like a candles in the wind.
05/11/2019 dragan's dad
We cannot stop the wheel of time, or re-live the past, but our hearts are full of memories that will forever last...
04/27/2019 dragan's dad
Love is the bridge between you and everything. ~ Rumi~
04/21/2019 dragan's dad
Love paid a price so hope could become a realiti! ~Susan Gaddis~ Happy Easter
04/20/2019 dragan's dad
Only from the heart can you touch the sky. ~Rumi~
04/13/2019 dragan's dad
My heart is so small it's almost invisible.How can You place such big sorrows in it? "Look," He answered, "your eyes are even smaller, yet they behold the world. ~Rumi~
03/30/2019 dragan's dad
The truth is life is full of joy and full of great sorrow, but you can't have one without the other. ~Andre Dubus III~
03/23/2019 dragan's dad
The life of every person is a book in which he means to narrate one unique story. Candle in honor of our Angel.
03/09/2019 dragan's dad
Wrap your angel wings around your loved ones and let them feel the love. God bless you and your family
03/02/2019 dragan's dad
Remembering candle in honor of you. Wishing your family a blessed weekend
02/16/2019 dragan's dad
Blessed and happy Birthday Elyse,sending B-day's wishes above to you with all the Angels around you.Have a nice day Angel
02/09/2019 dragan's dad
Lighting this candle in memory and honor of You. Wishing your family a blessed weekend.
02/02/2019 dragan's dad
If we have not peace within ourselves, it is in vain to seek it from outward sources. ~La Rouchefoucauld~
01/26/2019 dragan's dad
Walk on with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone. ~ Shah Rukh Khan~
01/19/2019 dragan's dad
Our loved ones are never dead to us, until we have forgotten them. ~George Eliot~
01/12/2019 dragan's dad
Loved ones can die, but death can not kill their names.
01/05/2019 dragan's dad
This candle shines in honor of a precious life & one time remembered.No words can make it better.
01/01/2019 dragan's dad
Happy New Year in Heaven precious Angel.In the New Year wishing your loved ones blessings,comfort,& peace. God Bless
12/25/2018 dragan's dad
Remembering our angels on this blessed day..Merry Christmas to you and your family.GB
12/22/2018 dragan's dad
Love wasn’t put in your heart to stay. Love isn’t love until you give it away. – M. W. Smith