Every lighted candle says:precious Angel I am here to keep your memory alive, so that your spirit and light will shine forever.
11/08/2019 dragan's dad
I'm lighting this candle for you Angel,wish you know your light still shines and will forever...
11/01/2019 dragan' dad
A presence in life lasts an eternity... for we know not the total impact of the candles flame... we know it was lit and for a time we saw the light. God Bless ~ By: Ted Beck~
10/25/2019 dragan's dad
The memory candle glows and says; Loved ones leave r side,but never r hearts & minds.
10/18/2019 dragan's dad
It's just a little candle, but means a lot, to say Hi, we haven't forgot.To your loved ones a gentle&peaceful weekend!
10/07/2019 dragan's dad on Angelversary
Remembering candle for you Elyse on this Day. May Lord grant peace in the hearts of your loved ones.
10/05/2019 dragan's dad
As long as reach our memories,our childern will never be far from our hearts,thoughts, our prayers...
09/28/2019 dragan's dad
We believe that life never ends.Only that it changes and continues forever in a more beautiful place.
09/21/2019 dragan's dad
A memory lasts forever, never does it die, and never says goodbye.
09/14/2019 dragan's dad
Although we cannot touch you, you are always by our side. A candle to remember u precious Angel
09/07/2019 dragan's dad
I'm lighting this candle in your memory.Wishing you and your loved ones a gentle,peaceful & blessed weekend!
08/31/2019 dragan's dad
Time & distance never changes the love in R hearts,one day to be united again,where Love never ends & death is no more.
08/17/2019 dragan's dad
The message behind the words is the voice of the heart. ~Rumi~
07/20/2019 dragan's dad
Angel, wishing you and your loved ones a gentle, peaceful & blessed weekend
07/13/2019 dragan's dad
Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad. ~ H. W. Longfellow~
07/06/2019 dragan's dad
Those who do not weep, do not see. ~Victor Hugo~
06/29/2019 dragan's dad
Memories always live on and you haven’t been forgotten. We'll celebrate your life until...
06/22/2019 dragan's dad
Behind every trial and sorrow that He makes us shoulder, God has a reason. ~K.Hosseini~