Directions to my new home in Heaven....
Make a Right onto Believeth Blvd.
Keep straight and go through the green light, which is Jesus
Christ. There, you must turn onto the bridge of Faith, which is
over troubled water. When you get off the bridge, make a right turn and keep straight. You are on The King's highway ~ Heaven-bound. Keep going for three miles: One for the Father, One for the Son, and One for the Holy Ghost. Then exit off onto Grace Blvd. From there, make a right onto Gospel Lane. Keep straight and them make another right on Prayer Road. As you go on your way, Yield not to the traffic on Temptation Ave. Also, avoid Sin Street because it is a Dead End! Pass up Envy Drive, and Hate Avenue. Also, pass Hypocrisy Street, Gossiping Lane, and Backbiting Blvd. However, you have to go down Long~suffering Lane, Persecution Blvd., And Trials and Tribulations Ave. But, that's all right because Victory Street is straight ahead.....Which brings you to the gates of Heaven!
~ Home Sweet Home~
The Angels
May angels rest beside your door,
May you hear their voices sing.
May you feel their loving care for you,
May you hear their peace bells ring.
May angels always care for you,
And not let you trip and fall,
May they bear you up on angel's wings,
May they keep you standing tall.
May they whisper wisdom in your ear,
May they touch you when you need,
May they remove from you each trace of fear,
May they keep you from feeling greed.
May they fill you with their presence,
May they show you love untold,
May they always stand beside you
And make you ever bold.
May they teach you what you need to know
About life here and here-after.
May they fill you always with their love
And give you the gift of laughter

Thank you for lighting candles or doing pretty graphics for Timmy for his Birthday or New Years. This was a very hard time for me and my family and it means a lot to me to come to his memorial site and see so much love sent my way. Thank you for all that you do and for thinking of my son. God Bless - Bette Clark & Family