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Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
The Lord keeps showing traces of heaven through his beautiful angels. You are blessed today.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sweet Angel may you are always bathed with the brightest light, comforted with the softest peacefulness, and glorious joy.Miss you
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom
Deep in our hearts you will always stay,Loved and remembered everyday Forever in our thoughts
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sending you a warm blanket to keep you safe; a soft pillow to cuddle you and send you into a dreamland of Angels and butterflies.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Thank you for remembering Angie's 6th Angelversary..Your support was a Blessing..God Bless {{Libby}}
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
They say love beyond the world cannot be separated by it, death cannot kill what never dies. xxxx
Aunt Jo to Leah Avril
~♥~Sweet Elyse, Keeping your memory alive in our heart. Sweet peace and comfort to your family~♥~~♥~
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
God grant me the serenity to acceptthe things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,the wisdom to know difference
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Sending "Thoughts of love like falling leaves... Swirling in the Autumn breeze." to U from ME!!!XOXOXOXO
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom
Sending my Love, God Bless, Have a beautiful Weekend in Paradise.
Con't Grandma 2 Angie Robert
That all the Angel Friends will be along side of her..God Bless~Thank You
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Elyse will you be by Angie's side tomorrow for her 6th Angelversary as it will make us feel better knowing
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. ~Marcel Proust~ ♥
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Praises to God and our Lord Jesus Christ, who has compassion, comfort and most of all LOVE for each one of us ♥ ♥ ♥ Always
Alison Garner
I pray today for comfort for all who loved Elyse. To be surrounded by good memories and to feel her spirit very near. God Bless
Elyse Juliann I love you so much still can't believe you are gone. Forever heart broken...
Laura & AV Fam Lisa Maas
Remembering Elyse & Tyler on their Angel day & sending our love to your families Angels knowing how much your missed.
Anna Bento
Elyse thinking of you on your Angelversary today..Keeping you in my prayers today. May God bless
Claudia mom to ~Rocky Lindley~
Beuatiful Elyse lighting this candle in ur loving memory on this ur 3rd Angelversary. Love u. ♥x♥o♥ ♥x♥o♥ ((((Libby))))
Lisa~Kari's AngelMom
~I light this candle to celebrate your life here on earth and also to celebrate your life in the hereafter... RIP Elyse... ~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Thinking of you & your family today Elyse on your Angelversary...stay close Angel, these days are so hard without you. ♥
Glenna - AngelMom
May your family feel you near to them today in peace. Glenna, AngelMom to Joshua and Brendan
Con't Louise-Grandma 2 Angie
Are with you and your family on this sad day..God Bless you all my friend..
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
Elyse thinking of you on your Angelversary today..You and Tyler will be together always and forever..Libby my thoughts and prayers
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