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Les Bougies dèrnieres
Elyse and Tyler Elyse and DaddyElyse & Brother AndyElyse and PetsElyse and Friends
L'arbre Généalogique
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Goodmorning beautiful angel, may the sun shine bright in your family life. Smile God loves you!
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
Each time we embrace a memory, we meet again with those we love.....for the heart never forgets
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
O Heavenly Father,grant us the reign of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Immaculate Heart of Mary to all sorrowful bereaved parents
patrickjay-clark*Grd Mama
Beautiful*ELYSE* Happy belated birthday.God bless you always.
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Rest in peace,n though we grieve reaching 4 your hand in vain,our faith is such that we believe that all of us shall meet again.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May Jesus keep you safe, at peace, gloriously happy and alive in Our Father's home and guide you along your heavenly journey.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Good morning sweet Angel! I pray God comfort you with the everlasting love, peace, joy, and glory and keep you close to your Mom.
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Angels are Blessings & always there for us. God Bless you Angel & your family. HUGS!
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
Today and always, may loving memories bring you strength, comfort, and peace. xxxx
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄ƷA special Angel is someone who-guides and watches over you-so Angel kisses,hugs and Love-is sent to you Angel up above Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Our Angels are the first thought in our minds in the morning and the last one before we go to bed, for we miss them all day.Peace
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
Happy belated birthday Elyse, I am so sorry I missed yesterday. xxxx
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Thinking of you sweet Angel Elyse on your birthday in Heaven and wishing you a very Happy Birthday with God and all our Angels.XO.
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God's Angels and Saints always stay close to you and comfort you with the upmost love, peace, joy, and glory. We miss you.
Grma Louise To Angie Robert
Thinking of a beautiful young lady on her Birthday..Have a nice one with all your Angel friends..Hugs to your sweet Mom today..
Mary~Nicholas Hands Mom~
Happy Birthday Elyse, Sending love and hugs your way, Have a wonderful heavenly celebration.
Elyse Juliann sending a birthday kiss/hug to you I wish you were here with us so much. I LOVE YOU
Aunt Jo to Leah Avril
Remembering Elyse, thinking of you on your 22nd birthday....there are never good-byes...only "see you soon".....~♥~
♥ Family of Lisa Maas ♥
Valentine wishes from r fam 2 urs knowing part of r ♥'s are in heaven with r Angels ♥
Grma Louise To Angie Robert
Happy Valentine's Day..Candy kisses wrapped up in all my love to our precious Angel Elyse and to all your loving family..
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May this candle bring you only the everlasting love, joyous peace, glorious peace today and along your heavenly journey. Miss you
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all sense of time, destroying all memory of a beginning and all fear of an end. ~♥~
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
There are no goodbyes, wherever you are, you will always be in your loved ones hearts. xxxx
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
May the LOVE of GOD shine bright on you these days ♥♥♥
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