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Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Thank you JESUS for giving our family strength each and every day. Love and Hugs always!
dragan's dad
The years may come and go but a mother's sadly heart never forgets...candle in honor of you Elyse, precious Angel.
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted. ~Matthew 5:4~ Thoughts & Prayers!!
dragan's dad
I am keeping you in my prayers and close to my heart as we continue this journey on this long and winding road
Grma Louise To Angie Robert
Thinking of you Elyse as I light this candle for you..An Angel who is loved and missed so much..So young and so beautiful..Hugs
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart has trusted in him and I am helped. He is not only with me but in Me and I in Him.
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
Though the ones we love may leave life as we know it, in our memory, the love we know will always carry on. Hugs. xxxx
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God's faithful Angels and Saints always keep you safe, at peace, and gloriously happy and keep you close to your family.
dragan's dad
We only part to meet again.~John Gay~ Sad,but hopeful!Candle in honor of you Angel!
^i^Caroline~Scanlon's ~Nana~
~♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥~ ALWAYS&4-ever in~OUR~thoughts and~in~OUR ~♥♥♥~Hearts~♥♥♥~ ((O&X's))
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
We are each of us Angels with only one wing, to fly we need only embrace each other!! Together our journey's can be gentler!!
Mommy loves you my baby girl, if I could change things I would. I would trade places with you in a flash my love...
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May God comfort you with His heavenly blessings, grace, peace, and glory upon your beautiful soul and along your journey. Miss you
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Sending alot of extra thoughts & prayers yesterday, today & all our tommorows!! God Bless!!
dragan's dad
Elyse,beautiful joung lady,you will live be a part of us forever,a candle in honor of you precious Angel.
dragan's dad
If a thing divine like thee can die,thy funeral shrine is thy mother's grief and mine. ~ by PercyShelley to William Shelley~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
I walked a mile with Sorrow, And ne'er a word said she; But oh, the things I learned from her, When Sorrow walked with me! ~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
I walked a mile with Pleasure; She chattered all the way. But left me none the wiser, For all she had to say. ~♥~
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May the Holy Spirit always guide you into eternal peace and glory and keep you close to your family. Glorious night sweet Angel!
Mom of Sgt. Freeman Gardner
Hi Elyse, just another beautiful morning to remind you how special you are to your love ones, and sent you a big HUG.
dragan's dad
To die and part is a less evil;but to part and live,there is the torment.(George Lansdowne).A candle in honor of you Angel
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May Jesus always comfort you with the greatest joy and blessing, glorious peace, and keep you close to us. Have a glorious night!
Diane Angel Mom~Katie Cassidy
Elyse good afternoon wishing you a beautiful Heavenly day, please shine your love on your loving Mom!!
dragan's dad
Love reckons hours for months, and days for years; and every little absence is an age.Candle in honor of you precious Angel...
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