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Katie Cassidy's Mom
Sending you alot of extra thoughts & prayers yesterday, today & all our tomorrows!! God Bless!!
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Their wings wrap gently around you, whispering you are loved and blessed. ~♥~
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Angels around us, Angels beside us, Angels within us. Angels are watching over you when times are good or stressed. ~♥~
dragan's dad
The Worldwide Candle Lighting in remembering our children who have died at any age from any cause, and the bereaved parents they leave behind.
dragan's dad
It’s impossible to forget someone, who gave our heart so much to remember.Candle in honor of U precious Angel..
Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
Elyse you are so loved, missed and treasured, please stay ever so close to your loving Mom!! God Bless!!
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Elyse please send your loving Mom alot of extra Angel Hugs & sweet dreams of you!!
dragan's dad
How can you forget Elyse when she is someone that should be your future. Candle in honor of you precious Angel...
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Elyse strawberry candle is burning in my kitchen in memory & honor of you!! Thoughts & Prayers!!
Louise-Grma To Angie Robert
My thoughts our with u on this beautiful sunny day Angel..Not a day goes by that u Angels are always on our mind..Love and missed.
Mom of Sgt Freeman Gardner
You are beautiful, loved and remember with this warm candle light.
dragan's dad
Silence tears in our eyes are sign , our heart can’t to accept what our mind already knows.Candle in honor of you our Angel...
Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
Sending love, gentle hugs & prayers!! ~♥~Elyse~♥~
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Elyse ~ Always Loved ~ Remembered ~ Never Forgotten!!
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
The years may pass but still you stay, as near and dear as yesterday. xxxx
dragan's dad
Precious Angel,wishing you & your family a blessed Thanksgiving.
Louise-Grna To Angie
God Bless u all,have a wonderful Thanksgiving Day..Your Angel will be looking down on each and everyone on this Blessed Day..
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Wishing you & your family a blessed Thanksgiving. Send them lots of sweet memories of you Angel! ~♥~
Daughter of~Bob & Joyce Snoor
Elyse happy almost Thanksgiving please stay ever so close & surround your dear Mom with your love always!! God Bless!!
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Have mercy Dear Jesus on the souls on our children/angels. Grant them eternal rest and may perpetual light shine upon them.Love.XO
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Wishing you a gentle Thanksgiving with beautiful treasured memories of your precious Elyse!! Thoughts & Prayers!!
dragan's dad
Of all God's gifts to the human race,what is sweeter to a man than his children?~Cicero.Candle in honor of you precious Angel
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Our Precious children Live on!! They are only missed in our lives but live Forever in our hearst, thoughts, prayers until we meet.
Katie Cassidy's Mom
Sending alot of thoughts & prayers yesterday, today & all our tomorrows!! God Bless!!
Total Candles: 3832
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